For all you dear people who are interested in how you can help us: in order to achieve the goal of our mission, we implement all projects through donations.
Wikipedia is one of the most visited sites on the Internet, read by people of all ages. If everyone who reads this message pays a one-time or monthly donation of 100, 250, 500, 1000 denars, the necessary funds for effective operation would be collected in a few days. But not everyone can set aside from their budget to donate. And this is fine.
Donate smartly, support the work of Wikimedia Macedonia.
For payments from Macedonia:
300-0000051275-53 Komercijalna Banka AD Skopje.
Thank you for your support.
The Wikimedia MKD team
Where is your money going?
Technology: maintenance of the computers, procurement of parts for the donated hard drives for the Wiki Clubs, monitors, USB connectors, internet cards, etc.
People and projects: Except for several employees, our volunteers perform most of the activities. Volunteers’ time is unpaid, but the expenses they incur while engaged on projects should be paid.